This web site is a memorial to those individuals who were passionate about the reform of the
Roman Catholic liturgy as set forth in Sacrosanctum Concilium (the Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy)
and who now, in eternal life, worship the God whom they served in this life.

Sheila McLaughlin

 Sheila McLaughlin

Sheila McLaughlin was a remarkable leader whose legacy in the liturgical and theological life of the Catholic Church is profound and enduring. A woman of extraordinary vision and grace, she served with distinction in the Archdiocese of Chicago and at the Catholic Theological Union (CTU), inspiring those around her with her dedication, insight, and unwavering commitment to fostering dialogue and unity.

For nearly thirteen years, Sheila made an indelible impact in the Office for Divine Worship, where her keen liturgical sense and pastoral heart guided the Archdiocese through pivotal moments. She was the first woman and layperson to serve as the director of the Office, where her liturgical preparations were known for their exceptional beauty and reverence. Sheila’s leadership extended to the national stage, serving on boards and committees dedicated to shaping the liturgical practices of the Church in the United States. Her efforts were instrumental in the revision and study of key sacramental rites, and her influence was widely recognized for setting a high standard of liturgical excellence.

Sheila’s contributions did not stop at liturgical matters; she also embraced the challenging work of building bridges between people of varied perspectives. As director of the Bernardin Center for Theology and Ministry at CTU, she embodied the spirit of Cardinal Joseph Bernardin’s legacy, bringing together people from different backgrounds, faiths, and viewpoints. Through her leadership, Sheila cultivated an environment of mutual respect and genuine dialogue, ensuring that voices often unheard found a place at the table. Her work with the Catholic Common Ground Initiative, Catholic-Jewish Studies Program, and Catholic-Muslim Studies Program were hallmarks of her commitment to unity and collaboration.

Sheila’s influence reached not only colleagues and scholars but also the next generation of Church leaders. She nurtured the Bernardin Scholars program, which equipped young theologians and ministers with the vision and skills needed to engage the Church and the world in thoughtful and transformative ways. With a mother’s instinct and a mentor’s wisdom, she inspired countless students to carry forward the values of dialogue, compassion, and faith in their own ministries.

Yet, Sheila’s gifts were not confined to the institutional sphere. Her personal touch, warmth, and humor endeared her to all who encountered her. Whether preparing liturgies, guiding a staff, or simply engaging in conversation, she brought a spirit of hospitality and encouragement that left a lasting impression. Sheila was known for her ability to navigate the complexities of Church leadership with grace and strength, fostering collaboration and respect wherever she served.

Sheila McLaughlin’s legacy is one of faithful service, visionary leadership, and a deep love for the Church’s liturgical life. Her work will continue to shape the worship and communal life of the Church for generations to come. As we honor her memory, we give thanks for a life beautifully lived and a ministry that profoundly enriched the faith community. May Sheila now find eternal joy in the heavenly liturgy, joining the communion of saints in unending praise of God.

Tribute prepared by Gary Feldhege.