This web site is a memorial to those individuals who were passionate about the reform of the
Roman Catholic liturgy as set forth in Sacrosanctum Concilium (the Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy)
and who now, in eternal life, worship the God whom they served in this life.

Fred Moleck

Fred J. Moleck
October 10, 1939 – June 4, 2021

Fred J. Moleck, born October 10, 1939 in Keisterville, PA, died June 4, 2021 at Marian Hall Home, Pittsburgh, PA. He was preceded in death by his parents, Stephen F. and Elizabeth F. (Uram) Moleck, and his siblings, Stephen T. Moleck and Elizabeth P. (Moleck) Poundstone.

Fred was a rascal. Seeing his name on caller ID, one never knew how the call would begin. “What did you have for breakfast?” “I’d like to speak to the archbishop.” were typical greetings.

Fred had long been a friend of GIA Publications, Inc, and was part of the editorial team of GIA’s highly acclaimed hymnal, Worship, Third Edition. In his role as text editor, he deftly negotiated the then relatively new considerations of crafting inclusive language in hymn texts as well as the modernization of archaic texts.

For more than three decades, Fred was editor of the GIA Quarterly. His vast array of contacts in the liturgy and music field allowed him to bring well over one hundred respected names to its pages. For many years, one would be hard-pressed to find a liturgy planner or pastoral musician who did not benefit from Fred’s weekly and seasonal planning pages that blended an unparalleled degree of scholarship, pastoral insights, and carefully considered repertoire choices.

Fred was Director of Music for churches in Latrobe, Rector and New Kensington, PA, South Bend, IN, Richmond, VA, and Evanston, IL. In 2001, he became director of the Office of Worship for the Diocese of Greensburg, retiring from that position in 2005.

He was a frequent presence in the classroom at Saint Vincent College, Latrobe, PA, Seton Hill University, Greensburg, PA, Duquesne University, Pittsburgh, PA, and Santa Clara University, Santa Clara, CA. He loved working the crowds in the exhibit hall at the National Pastoral Musicians (NPM) convention where his seersucker suit (commonly with a mustard or ketchup stain) and festive tie allowed one to easily find him in the midst of happy conventioneers. Beyond his gig as the NPM court jester, he was a pioneer in the formation of NPM, offered many plenum addresses and workshops and served as chair and committee member for a number of national and local conventions.

He authored a practical and sometimes humorous book called A Primer for the Visiting Organist alerting a substitute musician to what might happen in virtually any Sunday morning worship setting. To those who did not know Fred, or want to revisit memories of him, one can do no better than reading his TableTalk: Musings on Music, Church and Culture both published by GIA and both vintage Fred. Other publications included an edition of Liturgy Training Publications Sourcebook and also Liturgy, Active Participation in the Divine Life published by Liturgical Press. His articles appeared in Liturgy: The Journal of the Liturgical Conference and for many years he contributed a regular feature in NPM’s Pastoral Music.

Perhaps as long as 10 years ago, Fred knew he would one day suffer from the effects of Alzheimer’s and he readily participated in medical studies focused on finding a cure for the disease.

He remained firmly rooted to his beloved western Pennsylvania coal country even when living and working in Chicago, Richmond, VA, London or Munich. Regardless of where he lived, he remained an active Roman Catholic parish musician and also thoroughly enjoyed keeping the bench warm for a time at a small and fashionable Episcopal church while charming the parishioners as their guest at the local Country Club.

Fred graduated from Uniontown High School, Uniontown, PA, earned a Bachelor of Arts degree from Saint Vincent College, Latrobe, PA, and his PhD in musicology from the University of Pittsburgh and, in typical Fred fashion, hung his diploma not over the fireplace or in his study, but in his bathroom. Sic transit gloria mundi.

Fred was recognized by the University of Notre Dame’s Center for Liturgy with the 2004 Michael Mathis Award in Pastoral Liturgy, and in 2006, he was honored by NPM as Pastoral Musician of the Year.

The ending of his phone calls were equally as joyful as the start, frequently admonishing one “not to depart this earth before I do” or reminding one that “I’m glad I’m on the earth at the same time as you.” He was a character, a scholar, a lover of the liturgy and liturgical music. Yes, Fred, it was a treat to be on this earth the same time as you. You will be missed; thank you for leaving us such a treasure of words through which you will be remembered and the church will be forever enriched.

May he rest in peace and rise in glory.

Tribute prepared by Michael Silhavy and Michael A. Cymbala